Fastest growing agrochemical company in India
Fastest growing agrochemical company in India
with an annual revenue of over USD 270 MN with a CAGR of 33.3%

Largest manufacturer of Synthetic Pyrethroids
Largest manufacturer of Synthetic Pyrethroids
and the only Indian company defending & notifying Permethrin in the European Union
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First Indian company to meet WHO/PQT specifications
First Indian company to meet WHO/PQT specifications
in WHOPES (Public Health Arm of WHO) for its active ingredients and formulations of Alpha- cypermethrin, Deltamethrin and Lambdacyhalothrin
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A green manufacturing company that is committed to planet earth
A green manufacturing company that is committed to planet earth
through optimization of resources, water banking policy and responsible adherence to environmental strictures
A truly global presence with overseas subsidiaries
A truly global presence with overseas subsidiaries
located in Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Dubai and Bangladesh with new ones coming up in South East Asian countries enabling smooth and seamless customer experience
Access to regulated markets & exports to over 90 countries
Access to regulated markets & exports to over 90 countries
and the only Indian company defending & notifying Permethrin in the European Union
Fastest growing agrochemical company in India
Fastest growing agrochemical company in India
with an annual revenue of over USD 270 MN with a CAGR of 33.3%
A green manufacturing company that is committed to planet earth
A green manufacturing company that is committed to planet earth
through optimization of resources, water banking policy and responsible adherence to environmental strictures
Largest manufacturer of Synthetic Pyrethroids
Largest manufacturer of Synthetic Pyrethroids
and the only Indian company defending & notifying Permethrin in the European Union
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A truly global presence with overseas subsidiaries
A truly global presence with overseas subsidiaries
located in Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Dubai and Bangladesh with new ones coming up in South East Asian countries enabling smooth and seamless customer experience
First Indian company to meet WHO/PQT specifications
First Indian company to meet WHO/PQT specifications
in WHOPES (Public Health Arm of WHO) for its active ingredients and formulations of Alpha- cypermethrin, Deltamethrin and Lambdacyhalothrin
Learn More
Access to regulated markets & exports to over 90 countries
Access to regulated markets & exports to over 90 countries
and the only Indian company defending & notifying Permethrin in the European Union
15,000 metric tonnes per annum
Tagros has expanded its production facility, enhancing its current capacity for both
actives and formulations

Cumulative strength of
4 manufacturing sites
and Panoli (Gujarat)
State-of-the-art technical & formulation facility
Quality certifications for the excellence of our management systems across all aspects, from
health & safety to energy and environment.

Occupational Health &
Safety Assessment
(ISO 45001:2018)

Management System
(ISO 14001:2015)

System (ISO 9001:2015)

Responsible Care (RC)

Occupational Health & Safety Assessment Series (ISO 45001:2018)

Environment Management System (ISO 14001:2015)

Quality Management System (ISO 9001:2015)

Energy management systems
Offerings that make us leaders in the field
From crop protection to environmental science, from biorational crop solutions to
industrial chemicals, we cover a lot of ground.
Crop Protection
Crop Solutions
Crop Protection
Crop Solutions
Contract Manufacturing Services that optimize
time and resources
CMS – the next big leap, now. At Tagros we see ourselves at the vanguard of change that enables our partners to reap the benefits of technological advancement and expertise to the fullest.
Our CMS services ensure capable handling of the entirety of production, from obtaining raw materials to delivering finished products. Our stable, reliable, innovative, scalable and
cost-competitive processes enable companies to meet business obligations with speed,
ease and integrity.
Giving back to society through initiatives
that seek to empower, protect and educate.
Latest updates and important stories

Preparing to be the pioneer of global leadership in agrochemical research
and output

Challenges and opportunities in the agrochemical space
The COVID19 pandemic will go down in economic history as the event

An update on
the Incident at
the Dahej site
A previous of this magazine carried a news item on the fire accident
Learn More
Latest updates and important stories

Preparing to be the pioneer of global leadership in agrochemical research
and output

Challenges and opportunities in the agrochemical space
The COVID19 pandemic will go down in economic history as the event

An update on
the Incident at
the Dahej site
A previous of this magazine carried a news item on the fire accident
Learn More
Have a query?
“Tagros House”
No.4, (Old 10), Club House Road,
Anna Salai, Chennai – 600 002
Send us a message:
044 – 4300 7300/ 4200 7400