Tagros Bioscience is a bio-rational approach that aims to cater critical aspects of Crop Production
such as Integrated Nutrition Management, Integrated Pest Management, Integrated Disease
Management and Soil Health.

Integrated nutrition management
Mawin is a foliar growth stimulant and supplement based on potassium humate. Humates extracted from the highly bio-active organic substrate is rich in minerals and other nutrients that stimulates photosynthesis and other metabolic activities that are essential for plant growth.
Rice, Maize, Groundnut, Cotton, Soybean, Pulses, Fruit crops, Vegetables, Flowers, Cocoa, Coffee, Tea and Spices
Foliar application at 2 ml per litre of water
Nutri – boost
Nutri-boost is an enzyme based crop growth supplement based on two enzymes, namely Protease and Beta-Glucanase. Nutri-boost aids in increased photosynthetic rate and maximization of shoot growth/ tillering/ branching. Nutri-boost application enhances the leaf area and thickness.
Banana / Sugarcane / Spices / Tea / Coffee
Foliar application at 2.5 lt/ha
Vegetables / Groundnut / Short Duration Field Crops / Fruit crops
Foliar application at 1.25 lt/ha
Intensive Green House Culture / Floriculture
1 ml per plant
Nutron is an organic plant growth promoter composed of biologically derived heterogeneous protein hydrolase with Auxins, Cytokinins, Gibberellins sea weed extracts, enzymes, and chelated micronutrients.
Rice, Maize, Sorghum, Pearl Millet, Pulses, Sugarcane, Groundnut, Cotton, Chillies, Turmeric, Sunflower, Tapioca, Fruits, Vegetables and Flowers
Foliar application at 750 ml/ha

Crop immunity booster
Murus is a crop supplement based on naturally available amorphous Silica that aids in enhancing crop immunity. Murus is a systemic approach to enhance crop defence and crop vigour. Murus is recommended along with regular crop nutrition schedule.
Rice, Wheat, Maize, Groundnut, Sugarcane, Melons and Squashes, Cucurbits, Okra, Chilli, Capsicum, Mango, Rose, Other Fruits and Vegetables
Soil application: 12.5 Kg/ha
Foliar application: 5 Kg/ha
Foliar application: 5 Kg/ha

Integrated pest management
Achta is a neem oil-based botanical insecticide that consists of Azadirachtin, a limonoid naturally occurring in neem seeds. Achta acts on insects by repelling them, inhibiting feeding and disrupting their growth, metamorphosis and reproduction and hatching rates. Achta is available in various strengths standardized on the basis of Azadirachtin content of 1500 PPM (0.15%), 3000 PPM (0.3%) and 10000 PPM (1%).
Rice, Maize, Sugarcane, Pulses, Cotton, Tobacco, Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers and Plantation crops
ACHTA 1500 ppm: 2.5 to 3 litre/ha (or) 6 ml/ litre of water
ACHTA 3000 ppm: 2 to 2.5 litre/ha (or) 4-5 ml/litre of water
ACHTA 10000 ppm: 1 to 1.5 litre/ha (or) 2-3 ml/litre of water
ACHTA 3000 ppm: 2 to 2.5 litre/ha (or) 4-5 ml/litre of water
ACHTA 10000 ppm: 1 to 1.5 litre/ha (or) 2-3 ml/litre of water
Dynamo is a biological insecticide containing 1 x 108 CFU/g spores of a naturally occurring entomopathogenic fungus called Beauveria bassiana. Beauveria bassiana is highly effective against Lepidopteran pests namely, Spodoptera, Diamond Back moth, Helicoverpa, Semilooper, Stem and Fruit Borers
Rice, Wheat, Maize, Sorghum, Pearl millet, Pulses, Sugarcane, Cotton, Soybean, Vegetables, Fruits, Tea and Coffee
Prophylactic: 2 Kg/acre
Curative: 3 Kg/acre – Foliar spray
Curative: 3 Kg/acre – Foliar spray

Integrated disease management
Tricost is a bio fungicide containing 2 x 108 CFU/g min. spores of Trichoderma viride, effective in the management of soil borne diseases like root rot, damping off, Fusarium wilt, leaf spot, leaf blight, powdery mildew and downy mildew.
Rice, Wheat, Maize, Sorghum, Pearl millet, Pulses, Sugarcane, Cotton, Soybean, Vegetables, Fruits, Tea and Coffee
Prophylactic: 2 Kg/acre
Curative: 3 Kg/acre
Seed treatment/Seedling dip: 10 g/Kg of seed
Nursery bed treatment: 10 gm/litre of water
Curative: 3 Kg/acre
Seed treatment/Seedling dip: 10 g/Kg of seed
Nursery bed treatment: 10 gm/litre of water
Method of
Broadcasting – At the time of last ploughing, broadcasting Tricost-enriched Farm Yard Manure is recommended as a prophylactic measure for the management of soil-borne diseases
Drenching – Dry root rot and wet root rot diseases, Fusarium wilt
Foliar application – Leaf spot, Leaf blight, Downy and Powdery mildew
Drenching – Dry root rot and wet root rot diseases, Fusarium wilt
Foliar application – Leaf spot, Leaf blight, Downy and Powdery mildew
Note: Tricost can be applied in consortium in all of the application methods
Monaxe is a bio fungicide containing 2 x 108 CFU/g min. spore of Pseudomonas fluorescens, effective in the management of foliar and soil borne diseases caused by bacteria and fungi.
Rice, Wheat, Maize, Sorghum, Pearl millet, Pulses, Sugarcane, Cotton, Soybean, Vegetables, Fruits, Tea and Coffee
Prophylactic: 2 Kg/acre
Curative: 3 Kg/acre
Seed treatment/Seedling dip: 10 g/Kg of seed
Nursery bed treatment: 10 gm/litre of water
Curative: 3 Kg/acre
Seed treatment/Seedling dip: 10 g/Kg of seed
Nursery bed treatment: 10 gm/litre of water
Method of
Broadcasting – At the time of last ploughing, broadcasting Monaxe -enriched Farm Yard Manure is recommended as a prophylactic measure for the management of soil- borne diseases Drenching – Dry root rot and wet root rot diseases, Fusarium wilt Foliar application – Leaf spot, Leaf blight, Downy and Powdery mildew
Note: Monaxe can be applied in consortium in all of the application methods
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Tagros Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd.
“Tagros House”
No.4, (Old 10), Club House Road,
Anna Salai, Chennai – 600 002
“Tagros House”
No.4, (Old 10), Club House Road,
Anna Salai, Chennai – 600 002
044 – 4300 7300/ 4200 7400